Tax Law Gwinnett GA Business Law & Estate Planning
Are you in need of a trusted business lawyer to help you with business law, tax law, or estate planning near Gwinnett GA Georgia? Contact C. David Rowe, P.C.
As a business lawyer, C. David Rowe has helped many entrepreneurs start new businesses or help existing business owners resolve a legal matter in Gwinnett County Georgia. Starting a business comes with many questions where an experienced business lawyer can help. For new businesses, David can help you with business entity selection and formation, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company. For example, what’s the difference between an S-corporation and a limited liability company? Furthermore, which one is right for you? David can help you sort out your options in clear language without all the technical jargon.
He also assists with operating agreements, tax identification numbers, shareholder agreements, and much more. Be certain that you start your business on a strong legal foundation. Business law is our business. There are a number of important considerations when forming your business and it’s best to know your options upfront.
If you’re an existing business facing issues with employee and independent contractor agreements, confidentiality and non-competition agreements, taxes, and other general issues, call the attorney who has your best interests in mind. C. David Rowe, P.C. is proud to offer expert business lawyer services in Gwinnett Ga.
Do you know to whom your property or guardianship of your minor children will fall in the event of your death? Estate planning can be intimidating for many people but is extremely important to ensure you don’t leave your loved ones with additional expenses, unnecessary risks, and other painful consequences. Estate planning can be painless with Gwinnett attorney C. David Rowe, P.C. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed by beneficiary blunders, not thinking through a well-intended gift or the legalities of estate planning. We have supported many Gwinnett residents in their estate planning, and are honored by their trust in our services. We take estate planning seriously, which is why we are known as one of the best estate planning attorneys in Gwinnett.
Attorney C. David Rowe has years of experience in helping clients resolve outstanding tax law issues by helping them to evaluate all of their available options addressing their tax situations. Many clients enter our office carrying the burden of tax issues, but every client leaves with a new sense of hope and confidence about their future. Don’t let tax law over complicate your life. Gain the knowledge of proper tax law and avoid the consequences.
David practices in the areas of business law, tax law, and estate planning. As a business lawyer, he has experience representing business owners in all phases of the life cycle of a business, from formation to sale or other ownership transitions. David also enjoys helping families engage in thorough estate planning to provide peace of mind and protection for future generations.
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